Prof. Ling Ling Sun is a Professor of School of Electronics and Information, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China. She joined Hangzhou Dianzi University, as an Assistant Professor and became a Professor in 1999. Since 1997, she has worked with the Microelectronic CAD Center as the Vice Director and Director.
Her major research interests includes RF/Microwave device modeling, RF/Microwave broadband power amplifier design, RFIC CAD technology and the development of EDA tool for VDSM IC. She is also very active in the RFID and the medical electronic equipment areas. She has published more than 80 papers in journals and conferences. Prof. Sun is Chair of the IEEE EDS Hangzhou Chapter. She is also a Committee member of the Microwave Society, Chinese Institute of Electronics, Vice-Chief Committee member of the Microwave Integrated Circuit and Wireless Communication Professional Committee of China, and an Editor of several academy Journals including Electronic Journal of China, Microwave Journal of China, etc. She won a 2nd-Grade Award of Science and Technology Progress of Zhejiang Province for her excellent academy achievements in 2004.