Liang Peng
Office: Room 509, 2nd Building Middle, Hangzhou Dianzi Campus, Xiasha, Hangzhou
CURRENT OCCUPATION: School of Electronics and Information, Hangzhou Dianzi University
MOBILE: +86 18958063001
2008Doctor of Electronic Engineering,
Zhejiang University, P. R. China
2008-2009Postdoctoral Fellow,
Zhejiang University, P. R. China
2009-2011Postdoctoral Fellow,
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
School of Electronics and Information
Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China
2013-present Associate Professor
School of Electronics and Information
Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, P. R. China
My research interests include Metamaterials, Optics and Pla**onics. And I also do some practical engineering works such as Antennas and Wireless energy transfer. The research works that I have completed in the past include:
Metamaterial design and fabrication.
A potential based homogenization approach for ordered and disordered metamaterials.
The realization of pseudo-spins in classical system made of bianisotropic metamaterials.
Directive radiation by thin-film metamaterials without any back-reflectors.
Metamaterial based antenna technology.
Wireless power transfer (WPT) system and techniques.
National Natural Foundation of China
No. 61875051, Year: 2019-2022
No. 61372022, Year: 2014-2017
No. 60901040, Year: 2010-2012
Natural Foundation of Zhejiang Province, P. R. China
No. LY13F010020, Year: 2013-2015
The Danish High Technique Committee (No. 004-2007-1)
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Year: 2009-2011
Supporting Funding for Excellent Doctoral Dissertation, Zhejiang University, Year: 2007
L. Peng*, Y. Chen, Y. Yang, Z. Wang, F. Yu, G. Wang, N.-H. Shen, B. Zhang, C. M. Soukoulis, and H. Chen, Spin-momentum-locked Surface States in Metamaterials Without Topological Transition, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 1800002, 2018.
Peng L.*, Sang S., Wang Z., Jin H., Wu A., Xu K., Wang G., A Wideband Offset-Fed Single Split Ring Resonator (SRR) Antenna with Multi-order Resonances, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 17 (12), 2198-2202, 2018.
L. Peng*, K. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Chen, G. Wang, B. Zhang, and H. Chen, Giant Asymmetric Radiation from an Ultrathin Bianisotropic Metamaterial, Advanced Science, 1700922, 2018. Selected as Frontispieces.
Peng L.*, Zheng X., Wang K., Sang S., Chen Y., Wang G., Layer-by-Layer Design of Bianisotropic Metamaterial and Its Homogenization, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 159:39-47, 2017.
Peng L.*, Chen P. W., Wu A., Wang G., Efficient Radiation by Electrically Small Antennas made of Coupled Split-ring Resonators, Scientific Reports, 6(33501), 2016.
P. Chen, L. Peng*, A. Wu, G. Wang, Rendering wide impedance band of ESA made of SRRs, Electronics Letters, 52(19), 1582-1584, 2016.
Peng L.*, N. A. Mortensen, Pla**onic-cavity model for radiating nano-rod antennas,Scientific Reports4, 3825, 2014.
Peng L.* and Mortensen N. A., Equal-potential interpretation of electrically induced resonances in metamaterials, New Journal of Physics13(053012), 2011.
Peng L.*, Ran L. and Mortensen N. A.,The scattering of a cylindrical invisibility cloak: reduced parameters and optimization,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44(135101), 2011.
Peng L., Ran L. X., Mortensen N. A., Achieving anisotropy in metamaterials made of dielectric cylindrical rods, Applied Physics Letters 96(24), 2010.
Peng L.*, Breinbjerg O., Mortensen N. A., Wireless energy transfer through non-resonant magnetic coupling, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 24(11-12), pp.1587-1598, 2010.
Peng L.*, Wang J.Y., Ran L.X., et al., Performance ****ysis and experimental verification of mid-range wireless energy transfer through non-resonant magnetic coupling, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications25(5-6), pp.845-855, 2011.
Peng L., Ran L.X., Chen H.S., et al.,Experimental observation of left-handed behavior in an array of standard dielectric resonators,Physical Review Letters, 98(157403), 2007.
Peng L., Ran L.X., Zou, Y-Y.K. et al., A miniaturized phased array aperture antenna based on bulk ferroelectric material, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 49(1), pp. 37-40, 2007.
Xu K., Liu Y., Dong L., Peng L., et al., A printed multi-band compound meta-loop antenna with hybrid-coupled split ring resonators, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 12 (8), 1382-1388, 2018.
Wu A., Zhang Z., Guan B., Peng L., Achievement of Various Widebands: A Design of Wide-Slot Antennas Using Shape Blending, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, 5140413, 2018.
K. Xu, F. Liu, L. Peng, W. Zhao, L. Ran, G. Wang, Multimode and Wideband Printed Loop Antenna Based on Degraded Split-Ring Resonators, IEEE ACCESS, 5:15561-15570, 2017.
K. Xu, F. Liu, L. Peng, L. Dong, G. Wang, A compact planar ultra-wideband handset antenna with L-shaped extended ground stubs, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, 14(16), 2017.
Xiao S. S., Peng L., Mortensen N. A., Enhanced tran**ission of transverse electric waves through periodic arrays of structured subwavelength apertures, Optics Express 18(6), pp. 6040-6047, 2010.
Wang, Z.Y., Luo Y., Peng L., et al., Second-harmonic generation and spectrum modulation by an active nonlinear metamaterial,Applied Physics Letters94(13), 2009.
Wang Z.Y., Wang D.X., Jiang T., Peng L., et al., Very simple metallic subwavelength cell for constructing left-handed metamaterial, Applied Physics Letters94(23), 2009.
Wang Z.Y., Luo Y., Cui W.Z., Ma W., Peng L., et al., Controlling the field distribution in waveguides with transformation optics, Applied Physics Letters94(23), 2009.
Jiang T., Luo Y., Wang Z.Y., Peng L., et al., Rainbow-like radiation from an omni-directional source placed in a uniaxial metamaterial slab, Optics Express 17(9), pp.7068-7073, 2009.
Sun Y.Z., Ran L.X., Peng L., et al., The research of high-directive anisotropic magnetic metamaterial antenna loaded with frequency-selective surface, Chinese Physics B 18(1), pp.174-178, 2009.
Jiang T., Qiao S., Shi Z., Peng L., et al., Simulation and experimental evaluation of the radar signal performance of chaotic signals generated from a microwave colpitts oscillator, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 90, 15-30, 2009.
Zhao H.J., Kang L., Zhou J., Zhao Q., Li L.Y., Peng L., Bai Y., Experimental demonstration of tunable negative phase velocity and negative refraction in a ferromagnetic/ferroelectric composite metamaterial, Applied Physics Letters93(20), 2008.
Du Y., Kong J.A., Yan W.Z., Wang Z. Y., Peng L., A statistical integral equation model for shadow-corrected EM scattering from a Gaussian rough surface,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 55(6), pp.1843-1855, 2007.