Toward Fully Electrically Reconfigurable RF and Microwave Technologies for Future 5G Wireless Communications
主讲人:王国安 美国南加州大学教授
时 间:7月21日 上午10:30
地 点:二教中楼341教室
承 办:杭州电子科技大学 77779193永利官网
This talk will present the development of frequency agile and fully electrically tunable miniaturized RF and microwave devices with different novel thin films and related techniques (i.e., on-chip tuning) enabling multifunctional and adaptive radios. First, the needs and requirements for adaptive and reconfigurable frequency control components in next generation wireless devices will be described. Overview of current tuning techniques (e.g., RF MEMS, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic films) will be briefly discussed and summarized, followed by the applications of these components in adaptive wireless systems. Design and integration of slowwave structures with both nano-scale patterned ferromagnetic (e.g., permalloy) and ferroelectric (e.g., PZT) thin film patterns will be demonstrated and investigated for their efficacy in developing fully electrically tunable RF components (e.g., phase shifter, filter, antenna). Finally on-chip tuning techniques and challenges on co-design of active and passive components to enable future 5G -communication system will be presented.
电子与计算机工程博士学位。2006-2011年任职于美国IBM半导体研究中心,从事60GHz 通信系统,毫米波无源器件及晶圆级p片上RF MEMS研究工作。并于2011年加入美国南加州大学,现任终身副教授,博士生导师,智能射频和微波技术实验室主任,IEEE senior member,ieee microwave and wireless components letters 副主编。曾获美国自然科学基金会杰出青年教授基金(CAREER)奖,IBM发明成就奖等奖项。发表学术论文一百多篇,并有96项美国及国际专利(已授权48项),及出版专著一部。